How to understand and prevent hormonal problems in women?

Nowadays, women all over the world are suffering more from hormones. One of the reasons for this is ignorance. Due to this ignorance, they are suffering from various types of hormonal problems. So today, let us discuss why women have hormonal problems or how to prevent them or how to do it.

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How to understand and prevent hormonal problems in women?

What is the reason why hormonal problems are more common in girls?

Hormones play a role throughout a girl's life. For example, puberty changes, teenage menstruation, childbearing, breast milk, midlife crisis, menopause in her fifties, etc. At every stage, various hormones control the minds of girls. Due to this, hormone-related problems in girls are more common. Therefore, every girl needs to have a complete understanding of hormones. Let's start with the basics of hormones.

What are hormones?

Hormones are special chemical messengers or message carriers secreted from different glands in our body. Which flow through the blood to different organs of the body and create various effects. From the hypothalamus and pituitary in the brain, to the thyroid, parathyroid in the neck, the adrenal glands in the stomach, to the ovaries in the lower abdomen, there are various types of glands throughout the body. Various hormones are being produced from these glands every moment.

We have understood what hormones are and how they work in our body. However, our hormone problems are still unknown. So let's get an idea about why hormone-related problems occur.

Why do hormonal problems occur?

We can generally divide hormonal problems into two categories. One is the production of less hormones than required and the other is the production of more hormones than required.

We have come to understand that both the production of less or more hormones are harmful to our health. When hormones are produced in our body in less or more, we have to face some common problems. So let's learn about hormone-related problems and how to prevent them in daily life.

What are some common hormonal diseases in girls?

1. Thyroid diseases.

Thyroid is a very important gland in our body. It is located in the front of the neck. The hormones secreted by this gland affect almost all the functions of the body, including physical and mental development, metabolism.

During pregnancy, a woman's thyroid hormone controls the physical and mental development of the unborn child. Therefore, it is very important for each of us to keep this hormone in good condition. If this hormone is deficient or produced less in the body of a girl, it is called hypothyroidism, and if it is produced more than necessary, it is called hyperthyroidism.

Both of these are given more to girls than boys. Let's find out how to understand if you have problems with these two.

(1) Hypothyroidism: If you have hypothyroidism, you may experience some changes in your body such as weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, feeling cold, constipation, fatigue and lethargy, drowsiness, excessive or irregular menstruation, infertility may increase.

(2) Hyperthyroidism: If you have hypothyroidism, you may experience some changes in your body such as weight loss, diarrhea, palpitations, excessive heat and sweating, menstrual irregularities, infertility, tingling hands, etc.

Apart from all these, sometimes even after the hormone levels are normal, the thyroid can swell. This is called a goiter. Again, cancer can also occur from nodules or lumps in the thyroid.

Apart from this, inflammation or infection can occur in the thyroid gland. During pregnancy and if you are planning to have a child, every woman should have her thyroid hormone tested (desirable). Because if the thyroid hormone is just a little less or more, it has a negative effect on the unborn child.

2. PCOS.

Polycystic ovary syndrome, which we call (PCOS). When PCOS is a problem, the level of male hormones or androgens in the blood increases, causing the menstrual cycle of a teenager to become irregular. Apart from this, there may be some common problems such as unwanted hair, dark spots on the neck, hair loss, acne on the face and various problems.

Later, girls may become infertile. One of the main causes of this disease is obesity at a young age. However, there are some ways to get rid of PCOS, such as losing weight and eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

3. Adrenal glands.

There is a pair of cap-like glands on the top of our kidneys called the adrenal glands. These adrenal glands produce various hormones including cortisol, aldosterone, catecholamines.

If there is a tumor in the adrenal gland or if it swells, excess hormones can be produced. Then various problems can arise including swelling of the body, swollen face, fat belly, pink spots on the skin of the stomach, unwanted hair, irregular menstruation, increased blood pressure. The only solution is to remove the tumor through simple surgery.

4. Diabetes.

Diabetes is caused by a problem in the production of insulin from the pancreas or by the ineffectiveness of insulin in the cells. Here, diabetes occurs in both men and women, but women have a special type of diabetes, which is completely responsible, which is called gestational diabetes.

This diabetes is usually given during pregnancy and recovers after childbirth. The only reason for this diabetes is because the levels of various hormones are low or high during pregnancy. Apart from this, being overweight during pregnancy, having a history of diabetes in the family, having a history of diabetes during previous pregnancies, and having a history of PCOS increases the risk.

Diabetes during pregnancy can cause various complications for the mother and child. So let's find out what to do? Of course, you should consult a specialist. However, by specialist, we mean a gynecologist, hormone specialist, and nutritionist.

What can happen if you don't seek expert advice?

Although gestational diabetes usually resolves after delivery, the risk of developing diabetes in the future is extremely high. Therefore, specialist advice should be sought. In addition, efforts to maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a healthy weight should be continued.

5. Osteoporosis.

As women age, their bones become more fragile. One is osteoporosis. The rate of osteoporosis is much higher in women than in men, and therefore, older women also have more bone fractures. The reason for this is the excess of the mineral calcium in the diet.

To prevent osteochondrosis, girls need calcium supplements along with calcium-rich foods from a young age. The tendency of osteoporosis increases most after menopause. Because, at this time, the decline in the female hormone estrogen makes the bones fragile. Before and after menopause. Therefore, healthy eating habits and regular exercise are important.

6. Menopause.

Although menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, some women experience symptoms of menopause even before that. Hot flashes, sudden heat in the ears and head, fatigue and exhaustion, insomnia, and irritability.

These various symptoms make the lives of women of this age miserable. Most women are not aware of the changes of menopause. During menopause, women tend to gain weight, increase harmful blood fats, and increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is necessary to live a healthy life at this time.

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Last words:

There may be other problems related to hormones. There are some habits in daily life that need to be followed to deal with any hormonal problem.

We have seen that for each of the hormonal problems that we have talked about, it is said to prevent weight loss, healthy eating habits, regular exercise, etc. If you do these regularly, you can get rid of hormonal problems.


  • Why do hormonal problems occur?
  • How to prevent hormonal problems?
  • Ways to understand hormonal problems?
  • What are hormones?
  • Why do hormonal problems occur?
  • Why do girls have hormonal problems?
  • What are hormonal diseases in girls?
  • Thyroid diseases?
  • What is PCOS?
  • What is the adrenal gland?
  • Why does diabetes occur during pregnancy?
  • What is osteoporosis?
  • What is menopause?

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